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- # 0208 - T26 CR 214C PF 3 - Wookey Hole Mill Watermark - Rarity 13
# 0208 - T26 CR 214C PF 3 - Wookey Hole Mill Watermark - Rarity 13
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T26 - With Flourish over "Bearer" - With "of" on the right - Wookey Hole Mill watermark.
Serial number 61116 & not on the current condition census. One of 6 known to exist & 2 of those reside in the Museum of the Confederacy. A rarity 13.
The list of owners of this variety are previously Ball, Mintz & Criswell and currently Schull, Mc Nair, Fricke and now me. Other than me, how is that for some name dropping ?
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